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Football & AIDS

Sub-Saharan Africa is the region most severely affected by the HIV and AIDS epidemic, with more than two-thirds of all those infected living there. There are many organizations, both local and international, working on AIDS education within the region. However, the challenge still lies in delivering the information to the populations that need it the most. Africa Goal believes that the “Traveling World Cup Experience”, when applied with cultural and audience sensitivity, is the perfect vehicle for the dissemination of critical information to targeted viewers.

Africa Goal will partner with local organizations working in HIV information dissemination, enabling them to maximize the effectiveness of their interventions by providing a platform for dissemination. By harnessing the great potential of the World Cup as a HIV information dissemination tool, Africa Goal will provide a facilitating and supporting role for local partners by bringing together an eager and receptive audience, drawn from the most at risk populations, to benefit from their HIV information dissemination strategies.

HIV & AIDS Information Packages
Two World Cup packages of materials, developed with the specific football audience in mind, will also be distributed to all members of the audiences. One package will be targeted broadly at the 15 – 49 age group, as the predominant football audience as well as the most at risk group with regards to HIV infection. The package will include information around a holistic approach to HIV prevention, including the need to know one’s status; methods of prevention; the risks involved with multiple concurrent partnerships; the promotion of stigma and discrimination reduction; prevention strategies for people living with HIV; the importance of ART as a prevention strategy and the prevention of parent-to-child-transmission (PMTCT). These materials will be packaged in a ‘football’ bag and will include male and female condoms as well as information pertaining to the World Cup and motivational messages from football celebrities. A second package will be developed for children, aged between 7 and 14, and will incorporate HIV and AIDS information presented in a manner appropriate for children as well as advice on issues around psychosocial support for children infected or affected by HIV and AIDS.

To learn more about the contents of the Africa Goal World Cup HIV & AIDS Information Packages and download the materials for your own use or distribition please contact us or visit the materials page.

Targeted AIDS Awarness Information
IEC Materials

"During the 90-minute span of a football match, some 400 young people, aged 15 to 24 years old, around the world will be infected with the HIV virus, some 100 children under the age of 15 will die of AIDS, and another 400 will lose their parents to AIDS."



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