Updated from the 2010 version -‘HIV: Know the Score’ -Includes a World Cup 2010 match calendar integrated into the booklet, so that people can keep track of the teams’ scores and, as they do so, read the HIV information in the booklets.
The adult prevention booklet covers the following topics:
– What is HIV; What is AIDS (progression)
– Transmission modes – Why it is important to know your HIV status
– HIV risk questions to ask yourself to assess your risk level
– Prevention (safer sex; PPTCT; PEP; reduction of risk through blood transmission)
– How to put on a condom correctly.
– Multiple concurrent partnerships
– Positive prevention and positive living
– Prevention of parent to child transmission
– What is the effect of male circumcision on HIV infection?
– TB and HIV interlinkages
– The link between alcohol and HIV (alcohol can put you in situations where you might be at risk)